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En Puerto Rico puedes encontrar varios sellos de Comercio Justo en los productos certificados. La razón para esta variedad es tema para otro momento pero queremos enfatizar en el sello que será más común encontrar en los próximos años, el de la certificadora FairTrade USA.
Hace unos meses FTUSA hizo unos cambios significativos en su política de certificación que tuvo repercusiones en todo el movimiento de Comercio Justo. En este artículo se revelan los cambios y los compartimos para que sepas qué es lo que hay dentro de un producto manufacturado con el nuevo sello verde de Comercio Justo.
¿qué productos has visto o comprado con el nuevo sello?
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Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the U.S., has unveiled a recently redesigned certificate label and made main revisions to its multiple ingredients Product Policy.
Hace unos meses FTUSA hizo unos cambios significativos en su política de certificación que tuvo repercusiones en todo el movimiento de Comercio Justo. En este artículo se revelan los cambios y los compartimos para que sepas qué es lo que hay dentro de un producto manufacturado con el nuevo sello verde de Comercio Justo.
¿qué productos has visto o comprado con el nuevo sello?
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Fair Trade USA, the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the U.S., has unveiled a recently redesigned certificate label and made main revisions to its multiple ingredients Product Policy.
Under the revised ingredient Policy, which applies to all food and other care products, only products that contain 100% Fair Trade Certified ingredient may bear the full Fair Trade Certified label. Products contain at least 20% Fair Trade Certified ingredient will now bear a latest Fair Trade Certified Ingredients label.
To use the ingredient label:
1.100% of the ingredient commonly connected with a product must be Fair Trade Certified. For model, a chocolate bar must contain 100% Fair Trade Certified cocoa.
2. For any person Fair Trade Certified ingredient use in the product, 100% of that ingredient has to be certified. For example, if a product contains Fair Trade Certified vanilla extorts, all of the vanilla extract in the product have to be Fair Trade Certified.
3. The product must restrain at least 20% Fair Trade Certified content in totality, and all ingredients that can be Fair Trade Certified must be Fair Trade Certified, if the ingredient is commercially offered.
4. In the case of single-ingredient products, like tea and coffee, Fair Trade USA will maintain to require that 100% of the product be Fair Trade Certified.
The plan of the policy is open for public comment for the next 50 days. To view the total outline of the policy, visit Fair trade USA.